Thursday, September 23, 2004

wah this is the life man... just got home and bought a BIG bowl of zhu(1) zha(2) tang(1) for supper. all to myself. sitting here in front of the comp with my contacts off after 18 hrs in my eyes; with the oc on the tv and the aircon blowing down my bare back.

hmmm. nice. but just an hour before it wasn't this heavenly...

CAUSE I TOOK THE WRONG BUS. 36 from outside carrefour actually. which brought me all the way to marine parade on the ecp. wah lau. something like what happened to sj the other day. haiyoh, i tell u it's all about bus passes lar. pple who have bus passes are more prone to take the wrong bus because they simply don't bother to check and scrutinise the bus route properly. just a general direction and "hey, let's go!". totally brainless. hard to fathom at this pt but seemed logical at the moment.

so anyway i spent extra 40 mins on the bus to and from marine parade. which actually enabled me to finish watching "the apprentice". it's quite nice really. like today how they managed to rent out this place for US$40800/day. talk abt big money. really different from what a s'pore wheel of fortune contestant brings to mind when he says "big money".

bs was fantastic today. went down with lz and john. haha, lz was super funny on the bus trip down. she was messaging this person to ask out for dinner then of course msged the wrong person lar... someone wif the same name but IN MED FAC. dont' bother guessing who... then the guy was like "har, are u sure u msg the right person?" lz insisted "of course correct..." and went on to kb how come pple are shocked when she ask them out for dinner just for fun.


then so qiao(3) someone called john and started asking him for advice cause this person called him out suddenly and asked him out for dinner. yar u guessed it. the rest is history. just laughing out loud on the bus lar, don't know got how many pple staring. haha. damn blur girl.

zhu(1) zha(2) tang(1) is wonderful. mmmmmm......


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