classic II pls...
- really can't hear any difference b/w classic II and cardio III; anyway we're not trained yet. furthurmore loudness is but another pseudo-parameter we have drawn up. don't see the difference in quality tt justifies me forking out >100% more
- classic II has been used for the past tens of yrs by virtually all doctors in hospitals. seldom do u hear of any missed-mitral-regurgitation due to lousy stethoscopes leading to disastrous consequences
- cardio III is meant for cardiologists. medical students have no need for such 'high end' equiptment
- ICU patients in most restructured hospitals are examined with $30 made-in-china stethoscopes
- making a wrong decision with $98 is probably not tt disastrous as compared to finding tt u've paid $137 more for something tt isn't tt good afterall
- buying an adult stethoscope now, i can get a brand new paeds one 2/3 yrs down, depending on when i get my paeds posting. i'll be using a 2yr old 'paeds stethoscope' wif the cardio III. not to mention the warranty period wasted when the stethoscope is sitting in my cupboard
oh well, but afterall it's really to each his/her own. classic II for me! :)
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