Tuesday, October 07, 2003

wow. u know, that was scary. i clicked on my blog site and saw to my horror that it was still the unedited form... i tell u i almost passed out cold. been working on this since i came home and if YOU TELL ME TT ALL MY EFFORTS WERE NOT SAVED...

it was because i didn't click 'publish' after editing...

anyway, there were, and so i've now a rather nice blogsite. *cheers* :)

i'm left with a couple of chapters to mug, and alot more revision to do. *sigh* can't remember all tt info... GENIUS andre was writing out all the cycles and pathways that we will be tested on come sat. insane.

ahh. the fatigue is getting to me. but picked up a little bit on source codes. hooked onto it actually. :) it's something that u can work on and make it nice. all for urself. *yay*

rather boring day if u ask me. emily's studying like crazy, staying back in the lib everyday (med lib too i may add). cause the chem engin pple have their mid-terms this wk. yep, exams are all this and next wk. in the words of wm, "soon we'll be the only clowns who have exams for the rest of the year." interesting. but yes it's demoralising...

tuned in to 933, and was very amused at their ming(2) xing(1) bao(3) ling(2) qiu(2). haha~~ tt chongqing is a clown. genius of a clown... trust him to come up with such crap. just listen to the descriptions he gives of the djs is just incredible... what more the dialogue after it.

haven't played wc3 in a long time... abt 5 days i guess. :) but don't intend to anyway. need to mug.

nice site *grins to himself*


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