Monday, August 02, 2004


hmmm, just this morning i was running through the friendster site clearing up with the couple of messages in the inbox when i started browsing through the other network of friends tt were in my network. realised tt there're alot more friends tt i haven't added yet into my network, and so began to add.

and when finally friendster told me tt i couldn't add any more friends because i "have too many requests pending", it suddenly dawned on me tt in these past few months i've met so many more pple, forged so many more friendships. many friendships have also flourished whereas others have gradually died down. many pple i've got to know better, and many pple i've not realised were slipping out of my life.

it's amazing. we're constantly meeting new people and making new friends. oblivious to me, friendships have changed, mostly for the better. as i clicked from profile to profile i'm propelled into different groups of friends tt i have - scouts, school, classmates, church etc, i sort of gauged how each group grew or reduced in size and in proximity of the heart.

no one ever wants to lose contact with any of their friends, because every friendship matters. but often due to the hectic lifestyle we have, it's rather difficult to stop and smell the roses, or to ponder for a moment 'how so and so is doing'.

well. 'difficult' is really just an excuse.

when tt thought of a geographically distant friend comes into a mind, it's always good to send an sms to ask "hey, how're u doing?" it warms hearts to hear from someone close once in a while despite both parties being tied down with mundanes of life. sometimes even, it may be refreshing and comforting. like everything else, friendships take effort to maintain. both sides should take the initiative to keep in contact. even just 1 person trying to maintain tt link would be better than allowing him/her to slip away.

people will always be wherever we go. it's just whether we choose to make them acquaintances or friends, or someone who we'ld never know because we never approached them and choose to let our impressions be based on others opinion of them. even friendships after a season of seperation need to be strengthened once a while.


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