from a distance

i thought one particular song in this cd was very meaningful. something about looking at things from a distance. and u find tt most things are quite complete. everything seems ideallic and there is just so much less for us to worry about. i would post it but i've heard tt pple (myself incld) tend to scroll extra fast when they see lyrics. :) haha. so no pt in typing it out.
but anyway, i really think looking at things from a distance is a good principle to adopt. cause pple are too tied down by stuff, trying to micro manage every detail in their lives. it has already become our instinct to scrutinise and pick out the faults and flaws. focusing on things tt are so minor, we may often lose the big picture and give an undue weightage on small faults...
from a distance it's simple. the world just looks blue and green. no strife, no crime, no hungry mouths to feed. if pple choose to look from a distance, we won't comprehand the reason for wars. (and of course again the iraq war is another controversial pt here. haha.) but yes, view earth from a distance and everything is quiet and there's harmony.
there're no worries about everyday life. cause u realise tt life will still go on whether or not u catch tt bus, or whether u win tt match on the court. if we would look at things from a distance u would just be happier. take off from worries cause life's short. don't waste another day or even hour worrying. u're not doing anyone a favour.
i found it interesting to note tt the supposed life expectancy for a singaporean male/female is abt 80/80+. which means most of us have already finished 1/4 of our tenency here on earth. :)
i just find tt sometimes when i get bogged down by minute details about how this and tt should be done; how come this turned out some other way than i planned; in essence things turn out not the way i planned them to be, i would feel slightly bothered. in fact there's no need to get fustrated - and u'll realise it when u draw yourself out and look at the situation from a distance.
i suppose the greater meaning to looking at things from afar is tt it leaves us with no choice but to 'leave out' inconsequential details in our observing (but we choose to make them ultra-causative) and taking away tt free choice of whether-to-get-bothered-or-not makes us happier cause we then will not be able to see those flaws whether we like it or not.
very much like how someone looks damn yandao/chio from a distance, then when they approach u start to see all the physical flaws in them, like their teeth not straight, skin prob etc. haha. but even in the friends i surround myself with (and even when choosing my future wife), i've grown to realise tt what's most impt is really not looks. character and personality are more impt. looks are secondary. i realised tt when i looked at the BIG picture. having a small field of view and find tt u've blinded yourself to more impt aspects tt u should be considering, or even give urself undue stress and worry.
and the most impt thing to note now is tt life still goes on when we don't see those flaws.
even more notably is tt we're happier pple not concentrating on those flaws. it's about giving up control and learning to be more 'happy-go-lucky', cause life will probably turn out just as well if the pole u set for urself wasn't tt low.
take each day as it comes and be happy, contented. look for the best in every situation and just rejoice. :) life goes on when u're sad, life goes on when u're happy. life goes on when we've have problems, life also goes on when we're having fun. this is not abt self-delusionment. it's about resting and living life the way it was meant to be lived. :)

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