Friday, December 10, 2004

ba(2) tui(3) jiu(4) pao(3)

wah tt felt good. just came back from a nice night run. took me quite a bit of motivation to go but in the end it was the chee cheong fun with qk just now tt tipped the scales and off i went. in fact i just > doubled my milage in the last month, totalling 8km with 5 km ran today. hmm nice. maybe this will help me lose the 1st sights of the spare tire tt's rearing it's ugly head on my abdomen.

PLS. no, i'm not vain. just tt i feel it's nice to feel healthy. :)

oh yes, met andy today and had a nice chat over lunch. omg he was eating a plate of fruits with papaya juice for lunch.. aiyoh, i think sj met her match liao. haiyoh andy cannot liddat, must eat more... but i didn't comment lar anyway he's the doctor, not me. haha. but no wonder he's so lanky. :) oh, seems he was attending a cofm seminar conducted by wong-of-a-mee-lian-smiles. oh yes it's quite interesting cause andy's now at hpb, which is a unique choice considering he's not really practising tt much now, more of policy formulating and all tt. hmmm. but his reason was a saat as he has always been, "i'm tired of dealing with sick pple, i want to deal with healthy pple and help them maintain their health." can't rem what he said exactly but something to that extent. yep, foudn it to be quite true. anyway i've always thought of him to be someone who's very sophisicated with lots of realistic ideals. very happy person. and i've modeled my expectations of medical school after his experience. haha. yup, some sort of role model i guess.

touched a bit about diving (at koh samui and elsewhere), etcetc. but just before he the lunch ended he suddenly asked me," haha, so u got gf liao?" which was a qns i was expecting him to ask the whole time, cause i actually asked him for some opinions and advice a year back. to his qns i smiled. haha. don't have lar. and i think what coach lewis shared at hm changed my view on this matter very much. i mean, don't need to worry one lar, this type of thing will take it's own course. :) right now my focus should be on other sorts. and looking for the wrong thing in the wrong season will bear no fruits but pain and hurt and fatigue. akin to digging for sweet potatoes in winter. i know this is a bad analogy... yup.

anyway to which i then asked him back the same qns. and dr andy's still a swinging single! wah how can it be! haha. looking but seems tt "i'm not looking hard enuff" haha. for him shouldn't be a problem and should be expecting to hear some good news soon. :)


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