Thursday, May 06, 2004


hmmm, was talking to jb today at the bus stop on the way home, and he thought tt my previous entry was me ranting about him -- as he had to back out of a diving trip tt he initially expressed interest in going with me and mr.G... which is precisely the problem with blogs, as they are a a broad-reaching form of self-expression, and given the obscurity that u have to work with in some of ur entries, u just find tt different pple can inteprete it a thousand ways... and often they think tt it is directed towards them and a whole string of rubbish just follows after tt...

and i'm glad jb asked me if i was blogging abt him. :)

but actually i was browsing through some of the "notable blogs", and i realised tt blogs need not be abt bitching abt pple and how they just-pissed-u-off this afternoon. in fact, blogs should be used as a window to offer a peek into ur world.

and even so what's 'peekable' is just the curtains tt u choose to put up. may not really be the furniture in there.

anyway... on another note, went to sign up for diving today with guohao. leaving singapore on the 21st for tioman, ocming back on the 23rd at night. really happy cause finally we dragged ourselves down to book the course after very much delay and postponement... hoping it'll be fun. :)


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