Friday, December 31, 2004

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i'll always remember 2004, the year of emotions. alot of intense feelings, and alot of ups and downs. i suppose we all grow with time, and i would like to think that this year i grew alot more in my feelings and emotional aspect.

which is good in a sense. at least got grow mar.

but what was more memorable was the process. wah, the emotional roller coaster had a 10/10 fright factor rating. haha. this was the year tt i walked through the happiest times, and yet also the lowest valleys of my life.

i've learnt:
to cherish... especially through the happy times
to let go... in order to get closer
tt many people are drawn to joy... and not to gloom
tt real friends treasure the friendship so much to tell u the unpleasant truth, risking the very friendship they admire
tt some people need their privacy as much as u would like to help them with their troubles
tt it's hard to believe when u don't see
tt running away may not be avoiding the issue
tt running away may be the best solution

it has been a splendid year.

as i look behind me at the valley tt i was in, i'm really very glad for Jesus in my life. it's really really "through it all my God will be in control". maybe i'm not totally out of the valley now, but now, i see the light.


oh, this is a nice site u can go and find out more info and see how u can help in the tsunami catastrophe. anyway u can also dial 1900-911-1110 to make a $10 donation to the singapore red cross funds for the tsunami victims.


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