journey to the east
met up with the lt gang at ecp yesterday for cycling. haha, started off with lunch at bedok before we took txl and hyq's car down to ecp.
the weather was really feng(1) he(2) ri(4) li(4). esp along the beach with the sea breeze blowing in from the sea... yeah it felt good. there were so few clouds in the sky and we all got a very nice tan. haha, i was more like sun burnt, which i discovered later when my whole face was red.

like can u pls look at the picture, it's a completely blue sky. no clouds at all. haha. this was at some jetty when we decided to line up the bikes so and set qich's cam on timer on a fence. yay! i think it's a very framable picture. :)
we cycled to bedok jetty, which wasn't very far too. but it was super fun trying to take pictures by trying to star-jump then have the camera catch us in mid air. haha, alot of the pictures were with the most-of-us high up in mid air but some-of-us still with feet firmly planted on the ground. haha. i think we jumped at least 20 times lar... haiyoh. quite tiring. but it was even funnier looking at the familed pictures and the expressions on each of our faces on the pictures. haha.

i think we made alot of noise at the jetty. haha, which probably scared all the fish away. there were like alot of anglers fishing but we were like making all the noise in the world. think no one caught any fish for the next 2 hrs after we left or something. haha.

actually most of the time was not spent cycling. it was spent nuaing!! aiyar cannot blame cause the weather was so super hot lar... we cycled for a good cuppa teh ping, ice kachang, sugarcane juice at the food centre. yeah... so refreshing. but more mentally refreshing was the gossip at the tables! wahhahaha. wu(2) suo(3) bu(4) tan(2) lor. and it was so funny listening to all the crap tt each of us was blurting out. but poor me and huili didn't seem to be the most updated of the whole lot so alot of stuff also, "har? have meh?" or "ermm. who's tt?" or "dunno...". something like tt. u get the idea.
it was very unfortunate tt timo fell while cycling... actually what happened is quite childish in hindsight. cause huili and txl were racing for 1st place. haha, then timo suddenly creep up from behind on the grass verge speeding very fast!!! he finally out raced the girls, tried to cut back onto the road but there was a small kerb he had to mount.
*kerbiang!* timo fell off the bike and scraped both his knees... super sianz.
anyway he could still cycle, and after we brought the bike back to the shop there were these 2 1st aider from dunman high who walked past. they were super nice to offer dear timo help and nicely bandaged up his wound. haha, i mean, they didn't have to, but they did. a nice gesture on their part. :)

timo, hope hopes ur wounds heal extra extra fast! :)
after returning the bikes we went to mac to nua for another 1hr liddat. it was then when i think the unspoken consenses was tt AIRCONDITIONING is the best invention of the millenium.
i think we were plastered to our seats. chatting chatting again. quite amusing and entertaining. :) something very gross happened too, which was then this girl walked in, clad in a teal bikini... super off can. haiyoh. ALL the counter staff were practically ogling at her har... and i think she was just feeding off the attention. urgh. pity i didn't take a picture if not i'ld put it here. urgh urgh urgh. tried not to look hor, but then it's a bright coloured bottom can... from the corner of the eye also can see her walking up and down in front of the counters like looking for something or someone. but then suddenly she left. oh well tt's good.
and i realised the best way not to look is to not be concious of it instead of telling urself u're not going to look at it. which goes very well with what pastor says about law and grace. yeah. i didn't notice she was there (blocked by icsy's head) initially, though not long after a over enthusiastic person witting beside me pointed me and alvin to her. HAHA. we both writhed in our seats.
we finally peeled ourselves off the seats at macs, only to find ourselves later on at gelarae which is really 20 steps away. HAHA. what a lazy bunch of pple we are. :) at gelarae we did it again - plastering ourselves to seats. now... what else would u expect. :)
after ecp went with qich/sijin/huili/ht to ek's housewarming. haha, it wasn't really really a house warming lar cause for 1, we didn't even see his house proper. there was a buffet dinner at the swimming pool downstairs (it's a condo) so we just sat around. HAHA, had a great time tokking and catching up with classmates who i haven't seen in such a long time... and, i drank beer for the 1st time in a million years, 2 cans yesterday somemore (1 my own and the 2nd is ht after she just took 1 sip...). i can faintly rem the past time i drank beer and it was SO bitter can... i thought i'ld never ever drink it again. haha, but then aiyar ok, ek's offered me... somemore opened it for me... can't say no, so drink lor. and really it wasn't tt bad afterall.

my face was RED. and i do mean RED after the 2 cans of beer. haha. but then cannot attribute it all to the alcohol lar, cause i suspect my face is a bit sun burnt from the cycling earlier on in the day.
it was one of the most enjoyable days i had in this holidays. really. esp for the special effort tt was made today. :)
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