Monday, March 08, 2004

can't wait for spots to be over
can't wait for spots to be over
can't wait for spots to be over

haha, and alvin passed his driving liao! wed is someone else's driving test too. all the best! :) and alvin's treating me to lunch tml after spots. actually, he's using me to go have lunch with someone else.

haiyoh. how does it feel to be used... tsk. it had better be a good lunch.

grandma's bdae is on sat. don't know how leh, cause got "worship under the stars" on tt night also. haiz.


anyway, it's this worship event on sat 13th march at palawan beach sentosa. it'll be an afternoon of games and night of praise and worship. under the stars. p&w starts at 1930. haha~~ advertistment. but pple who don't have tics can probably just crash the night event. it'll be great.

i want to go....


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