laughter is best for medical students
today was a very short day. only had a head/neck surgery tutorial in the morning by prof prabhakaran who promptly chided us for not reading up enough (well, he said we didn't read up. at all). so, the day ended around 1130, with zj and me helping k carry some stuff for health screening back to science fac, followed by lunch.
we then decided we had better do some mugging, so we hopped (well not really) over to the lib to chao mug, the first time possibly in the past 5 weeks. i must say it was productive, managed to read up salivary glands and pathologies, which was really what we did a couple of hours before that.
as i was mugging i was listening to 93.3 and this dj was describing this article tt he read (narrating in chinese of course),
"recently arr, my room, ALOT of mosquitoes... so just before i left my house just now i closed my door and windows of my room and sprayed some insecticide into the room and left it. hopefully the mosquitoes will die when i get home!"
well at this point i found the situation being described to me very familiar... cause previously i was also in tt situation but infortunately sprayed insecticide for "crawling insects" in my room, making a total mess.
then, the dj went on animatedly, "budden hor recently i read in the news abt this guy in another country, one day saw alot of bugs in his room. wah. so he also closed his room windows and doors and sprayed not one, but five cans of insecticide into the room. aiyar, but then i must also say arr, he's quite stupid lar, cause he stayed in the room after that!!!!"
well, of course, this is just an accident waiting to happen. true enough, as i found out later.
"what's more stupid was tt he decided to turn on his computer and go online... so unfortunately his dian(4) xian(4) zhou(2) huo(3) and there was an EXPLOSION. WAH... the explosion was so big tt even his neighbour's house was affected! his furniture was hurled as far as 100m away! aiyoh..."
well, i was really tickled at this point in time by the utter insanity some pple subjected themselves to. and of course because i was in the lib i was stifling my laughter and looking like a total goon-doo in front of shuwei and weiliang who were sitting just opposite me on another table. oh man. but i was sitting too far away (and also too tickled) to explain myself to them.
well, i did later on when i joined them for coffee. the 20c coffee near the nuh med corridoor.
strangely, there was no mention of whatever happened to the silly man. 1 thing's for sure, he definitely did achieve his objective of killing thos pests. lol.
the coffee session itself was not w/o incident too. weiliang was the first to order and he pressed for a cup of coffee from the vending machine. out came a cup of whitish serous fluid which he promptly chucked.
shuwei and i exclaimed admidst our laughter, "wahaha. now u pay 40c for a cup of coffee." (yes i know this is childish. pls PLS don't condemn me).
but the problem was tt weiliang pressed for extra creamer and sugar at first (being the cheapo tt he is) before pressing coffee, so he naturally assumed tt it was because of what he pressed first tt a mixture of "coffee and creamer" came out.
which really proved later on not to be when he pressed for a 2nd cup of 'coffee', and out came more solution of diluted creamer and sugar.

the cups of white stuff are weiliang's creamer and sugar. HAHA. (the other pastry looking things are really durian puffs my aunt bought for us. from marriot! wow. never did indulge in such fine stuff. but it's a bit too intense for me cause the puff was like 90% durian and 10% pastry puff to hold hte durian paste.)
i think both shuwei and i must have looked like complete idiots laughing in the medicine corridoor. and reall, weiliang's face was supper funny.
and of course, he gave up and bought a cup of milo like i did. which really costed him 60c in the end.
it's not so much the cost, but more of a i'm-so-cheapo-i'm-going-tobuy-20c-coffee-but-i-ended-up-paying-60c type of incident tt really was so funny to me. but hey, i'm not labelling him cheapo. afterall i did it too! more like a small 'adventure'. :)
well i forgot, but let me put this down. i went to buy my bros new pairs of shoes each! haha. i think it has been long warrented liao lar, cause luke doesn't have a pair of decent sch shoes whilst alex's shoes are simply WORN OUT, as u can see in the photos.
went to queensway to buy, don't really think i got the best deal really, but never mind. hope they like it. well, for luke it's really his bdae present tt i 'owed' him for damn long, since jan/fab and alex's bdae is coming up on 26th may.
so i ended up buying shoes for both my brothers for their bdaes.
and of course i couldn't do it w/o a little subsidy from my parents. w/o which i would need to learn how to metabolise air/water for the rest of the month.

haha. but really, look at alex's shoe. at queensway we actually found the same model (they're actually still selling it) and just took pictures of them side by side. needless to say, u'll know instinctively which is the old shoe. but i was very amused at the stark contrast. and really, the photo has NOT been edited whatsoever.
whatever else convinced me tt he really needed the shoes, not simply wanted it.
tml will be a v v short day. simply cause we're only meeting my mentor at 10am. couldn't get prof ling to return page, will look for him tml morning, hopefully we can arrange a tutorial.
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