to never "quitted" against all odds

i never knew my cg could be so funny. and really the saga began yesterday though the showdown was today.
it all began yesterday afternoon when ht was trying to present a Hx to me tt i took together with her, "mr ahmad quitted smoking last week..." i immediately said, "hey i think it's quit. where got quitted one???"
our small discussion was joined by winston and bernard who were in the resident room too, resting after the end of the day. of course, all us who speak QUEEN'S ENGLISH concurred tt there was, indeed, no quitted. only "quit". i mean, the past tense of "quit" is simply, "quit".
for eg. (as bernard narrated), "i quit my job last week" and definitely not "i quitted my job last week". it simply sounds wrong.
as the Hx was to be presented to prof ling the next day, ht decided to check it out online, and went on to google the disputed word. well, she did find it on some weird website. i mean, those really uncredible sites which showed tt quitted was the legitimate past tense of quit.
"there!" she said, almost with a smirk. and so she went on to describe how mr ahmad quitted smoking.
*36 hours later*
"-blahblahblah- mr ahmad quitted smoking last week..."
"nonono... u quit smoking. there's no such thing as quitted. i mean, the past tense of quit, is just... quit! it's a very common mistake. just like irregardless... it's regardless. tt one really winds me up. i mean, if u REALLY must use 'ir' u should use irrespective."
all of us were stifling our laughter cause i told u so simply didn't say it well enough.
"but i checked it out on the internet yesterday!", an indignant ht exclaimed.
"no. i think quit, simply, sounds much better." and tt put an end to the discussion, with the rest of us grinning from ear to ear.
*6 hours later in the resident's room*
"but i DID see it on the net yesterday!!!"
"maybe it's somewhere from zimbabwe. tt type not reliable one lor pls."
"yar... maybe it's something like a .zw site", i quipped.
well, ht actually went on to go and look on websters (which is 1000000X more credible than her .zw site) and it actually listed 'quitted' as an official word.
which really made everyone very distressed.
and can u believe it, ht actually PRINTED OUT the site, and will be showing it to prof ling tml before his tut. omgomgomg.
well, the printer actually jammed when she was printing... "maybe the printer quitted" winston chirped. omg. i was bowling over with laughter.
meanwhile kim slept away. oblivious to all the nonsense which was happening around her.
haiz. what a funny day. i'll miss my cg when we will be disbanded next week. *sigh*
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